Wow. I feel like I can go through what you have written and compare it to the timeline of my last year and say: check! check! check!
When Saturn entered Sagittarius I wrote up a list of things I wanted to complete that would help me achieve my goals. I’m an artist and a teacher. Using Saturn I started to do the work of considering my resume and what it needed for my art practice and what it needed for my teaching career.
And finally when I woke from my first surgery I made a plan for my physical health called “total transformation” and one part is goodbye alcohol. It’s been five months and I feel great. I felt like I cast a spell.
I continue to believe that setting goals and boundaries combined with recognizing my limits, because I thought about how I could harness Saturn, has made this the most transformative time of my life. I felt a ton of Yes energy reading your words, thank you!
— Jennifer N.
***Note: complete comment is on the Sagittarius reading on the 2017 annual site; this is just the beginning and ending sections.