Planet Waves

Bought readings for my daughter, cousin and a friend

Again. Uncanny. Wow. Totally on point. So much so, I bought readings for my daughter, cousin and a friend as gifts.

But the best part isn’t the accuracy and jaw-dropping empowerment I felt; it was the delivery. Eric is so personable, so funny, so engaging, yet able to cut right to the core — it’s like talking with a good friend who loves you and respects you, and wants to see you have the best in life, and is willing to do away with bullshit by being straight and to the point in the most loving, supportive and encouraging way. I need to talk to MYSELF the way Eric talks to us! Thank you so much.
— Glinda W.

The Swiss Army Knife of Astrology (shorter)

“I find your horoscopes and articles equally useful and practical, but also vastly informative, always thought-provoking, and frequently delightful. It’s nice to have a knife, and a bottle of water, and maps — paper and GPS ones, and good companions, among them far-seers who recognize patterns and can navigate by the stars as we all travel the rough roads of this perilous and fated time. Your content is a rest and a refuge and a restorative, and I am grateful for it.”

Sara Mc

The Swiss Army Knife of Astrology (long)

Youall (one word; I’m southern) are the Swiss Army Knife of astrology. If a blade doesn’t work or isn’t what’s required, maybe the corkscrew or the screwdriver will do the trick. Something will be useful, perhaps in unexpected ways, and one feels secure, just knowing the tool is in your pocket or your purse or your glove compartment. I find your horoscopes and articles equally useful and practical, but also vastly informative, always thought-provoking, and frequently delightful. It’s nice to have a knife, and a bottle of water, and maps, paper and GPS ones, and good companions, among them far-seers who recognize patterns and can navigate by the stars as we all travel the rough roads of this perilous and fated time. Your content is a rest and a refuge and a restorative, and I am grateful for it.

Thank you all (separate words this time, for each and every one of you individually, as opposed to the marvelous team/unit/family above),
Namaste, y’all,

Sara Mc

So Clear, Connecting All the Dots Effortlessly

“Thank you for my Aries reading. It is so on point!
I listened to it during a road trip; my car companion was also Aries and we really found a lot of similitude in what’s happening on our lives right now. You are the best, so clear, connecting all the dots effortlessly.”

— M. Andrews

major influence over my profound immersion

Dear Eric, I’ve been following you since 2010 and you’ve been a major influence over my profound immersion into astrology. I’m reading through the Gemini intelligence reading you just wrote and I have to say, you are so spot on and with such subtlety of my psyche that I’m experiencing profound gratitude for your work, your trust in what your mind and intuition picks up, and your devotion to your calling.

The piece on Absolus (1st house) and on trust (8th house) has revealed a hidden factor that was in process in my field. Thank you.

I’m not even done reading through but had to write you right away 🙂

Blessings to you,

— Jean-Manuel

Deep Resonance with Your Perspective and Insights

“Over the past several years I have been looking for a more in-depth approach to astrology and that has led me time and time again to your website. I really love the work being done at Planet Waves and have found such a deep resonance with your perspective and insights. There have been many times it has given me just the thing I needed to get me oriented and to see the way ahead. In an increasingly disorienting world, this is no small thing! I am a licensed psychotherapist by profession and absolutely concur with Eric that the ideal approach to therapy would be an intelligent marriage of astrology and psychology.”

— M. Porter

Your best work ever

The INTELLIGENCE readings are awesome! Possibly your best work ever, and I’ve been following it since the Star Navigator times! Thank you for your work.

— Marianne Korten

Reading May Have Saved Her Life

“I purchased the recent audio forecast for Sagittarius that Eric recorded in December. Listened and took notes. One part talked about the need to “get out ahead of” challenging things for this year. I kept having that thought go through my brain, over and over. So I made some long-procrastinated wellness checkups (just got health insurance after five years without).

My mammogram showed two small, new clusters that need biopsies. I’m having it done this week.

My skin check revealed melanoma at the earliest stage on my arm. I now have a surgery scheduled to get it out.

Just wanted to say thanks. I shudder to think I could have ignored it. I feel like the reading triggered my deeper self to MOVE and get some things checked, even though I didn’t quite know what/why.”

— Missi H.

Gave Me Goosebumps

“I devoured my Leo reading, making detailed notes along the way…This reading gave me goosebumps, as it felt like you were sitting beside me and knew me inside out, like a dear old friend; no judgment, just observations, but goodness me, seriously touching on nerves — some I had even forgotten I had.”

— Deborah L.