Planet Waves

None can compare

Thank you Eric for all your help that you give us.

I have good news. I am finally able to pick up a student once again, and one of the teaching tools I will be using is your article in The Mountain Astrologer, re: the HOUSES. I have said it before and I will say it again:

Of all the astrology literature I have read over my 58 years working with astrology, and the untold number of books I have read, and lectures I have attended, NONE — and I mean NONE — can compare with the authenticity of your article on ‘THE HOUSES’. It is so right-on that after reading that article a person brand-new to astrology would have a firm foundation on which to build their reading skills of the astrological chart.

Bless you, Eric, for all you do for all of us, and for your special kindness to me.
— Ann Cortese, B.S., M.P.S.

If Saturn truly gives back

Eric’s last Sag birthday reading is absolutely astounding; we shall see if Saturn truly gives back more than it takes. I hope I’ve done my part to make that happen.

— Steve Guettermann

Phenomenal work

Thank you for all that you do, it is phenomenal work and much appreciated.
–Karen Ziadeh

Delve deeper

Ive been reading your monthly Chronogram horoscopes ever since I can remember. I share it in several Facebook groups each month and just tonight I was guided to delve deeper. So glad I did! I discovered much more of your writings and insight. Looking forward to more.
–Danielle Jean

Enriched and enlivened

Thanks to all of you at Planet Waves–my life is substantially enriched and enlivened, and sometimes emboldened, by the work you do. I’m a former journalist myself, so I really, truly appreciate the fusion of journalism and astrology, and as someone who mostly covered the arts, I love the many artists you feature. I particularly enjoy the writing of Amanda Painter, Len Wallick, and Eric himself, and I also admire Eric’s new headshots (I used to shoot, too, and a good portrait is a thing of beauty when it’s properly done!) Thank you for providing nourishment for the mind and spirit. Planet Waves is a wonderful resource–your work, all of you, is of inestimable value in these precarious times. I’m very thankful for you all (all y’all) in this season of gratitude and thanksgiving.

Courage to be myself

Many thanks for this precious and profound reading. As a Scorpio Moon, Venus, Uranus and North Node soul, I definitely feel like this reading provides just the right impetus to finally have the courage to be myself.
-Diana B.

Describes my present journey

Amazing, Eric. I was just thinking last evening that I belong in a way that is not mirrored in my world. Your description “You are at home in the Universe” resonates with my feelings. The journey inward to self-awareness and the “relationship to self as a kind of quest for your original child self” also describe my present journey. So grateful you share your brilliance with the world to bring light and awareness.

— LuAnne

Nourished by every reading

Thank you. I’ve been a fan for a few years and always feel nourished by every reading — my own and others. This particular reading hit home and felt like a swoop of fresh air pointing me home. Thank you again. Re-reading it is going to be an on-going pleasure.

— Elaine Sonne