Deeply insightful
Warm thanks for a spectral learning experience.
I really love and admire Eric’s ability to deliver deeply insightful explanations.
— Ann Roddy
Warm thanks for a spectral learning experience.
I really love and admire Eric’s ability to deliver deeply insightful explanations.
— Ann Roddy
As always, your reading is spot on and validates what I am experiencing in life at this time. The sheer acknowledgment that as a Libra I need balance, beauty and aesthetics in my life to make me tick on, balanced, in my day-to-day endeavors and consequently some very huge endeavors for the year was just what I needed to keep going.
I have been struggling for about four years now on the idea of safety and security within myself instead of in outside sources. This will be put to the test this year (as if it hasn’t already been tested!) and while I struggle to want some cohesive partnership, as most Libras do, it is elusive still. I wonder can I wait for a miracle?
The shifting of Jupiter into Libra was indeed an overnight event and suddenly I am able to face the future full-on.
I think to sum it up: the reminder that really what it gets down to is acting in integrity, and realizing that quality, respect and beauty equals wisdom to this Libra. And then perhaps we can change the world.
Soldiering on.
Thank you again, Eric. I think we are entering about 18 years of knowing each other. That’s a long time in today’s world. You’re a blessing. Thank you for your service!
Ginger Aarons
Oregon & Ireland
Libra – Virgo Rising – Aquarius Moon
Great audio as usual. Thank you for brightening my little attic rooms with your lights, Eric!
— Catherine Pape
Awesome, so uplifting and so ‘IT’ — a wonderful birthday message (plus the Cervantes quote).
Back in Jan/Feb when I was listening to the 2016 annual, you stated that we Librans would be well-advised to buckle down and really ‘do the work’ — the step-by-step, day-to-day actual practice of manifesting our goals and desires with ACTION — and that this would be the best possible way to prepare for the time when Jupiter entered our sign (Sept 9th). I took those words to heart, it became a mantra of sorts, and I can tell you that it was the best advice I received all year (so far).
The ‘opening’ of Jupiter in Libra, the easing of years of accumulated tension (since Saturn transited Libra in 2011/12, and earlier) is truly remarkable. Your Libra horoscope above talks about a decision, and I would say that it feels more like a manifestation of a decision made a long time ago — a decision to do the work regardless of outcome, regardless of how much the sacrifices and sheer SWEAT of it hurt; yeah. A decision of ‘faith’ made much earlier, now opening, blooming, rooting ever more deeper.
You used the word ‘fruition’ above, and that about sums it up. I believe I am not alone in this by any means; I am sure there are many others who have been in a ‘holding pattern’ totally against the Libran grain for YEARS but now….yes, the reward of putting one’s nose to the grindstone is returning, in forms of rather glorious abundance and relief.
Eric, thank you. Your service has reached farther and deeper than you know. Turn up the flame on the human blow-torch, baby. Yeah!!!!
— Eryca Willinger
More spot-on than any astro update i’ve ever had!!
— Umm Shams
Libra Sun, Leo rising, Sagittarius Moon…and wow!!!!!! Thank you Eric. — Christine Boyer
I’m looking forward to the Libra birthday reading, it’s always spot on! — Catherine Pape
Wow, you have just blown me away. So precise with what l am going through Libra Sun and Libra Moon and you haven’t even looked at my chart! Well done, Eric.
— Judy Newland (FB comment on reading MM40)
Technology is a wonderful thing when it connects people together to follow their passion. Eric is a great teacher as he empowers people to think creatively. Bless.
— Pauline Jones
Thanks for reassuring this Leo, who is having a year “for the books”! You get to the core of things.
— Barbara Peaslee