Planet Waves

Clear reading

Wow, that was great – Thank you for such a clear reading.

— Frankie Sidhu (commenting on YouTube site – Orlando shooting video)

Magical, political ‘imagineers’

Wow! I feel so blessed to be surrounded by the smartest magical, political ‘imagineers’ on the planet! Who would have interpreted that our Sky Story says all that? (None but the PlanetWaves Team!)

— GardenGirl

Pertinent and genuinely reliable

I freely share with anyone looking for great modern astrology that the Planet Waves team and Eric Francis offers the most pertinent and genuinely relatable astrology of our times. The Planet Waves team is our peeps and the astrological medicine for our generation. Incredible!
— Barbara Bain

Best description I’ve ever seen

I have Venus conjunct Uranus in my 12th house in Cancer. Your description of Uranus in Aries in the 12th is the best description I’ve ever seen that explains how I’ve felt my whole life. There are other factors in my birth chart that describe this, but I’ve never understood the anxiety.
Thanks for this reading. I have learned a lot.
— Mary Jane

Awesome job

Eric — Awesome job! Thank you for this!

— Christine Marsh

Spring Reading totally accurate

Found my Spring Reading totally accurate, and just received an email today with your article about Ken Carey.  It has been years since I read four of his books so I had to dig and found them again.  As a long time student of A Course in Miracles, I was very interested to your reference to it.  So here on my desk are The Starseed Transmissions, Vision, The Third Millenium, and Return of the Bird Tribes.

— Jeanne Boyce

Visionary work, volatile times

You’re amazing, Eric — and, your visionary work is a tremendous boon and inspiration during these volatile times.

Jost Van Dyke

Planet Waves TV rocks

Your website and publishing is amazing. Long-time fan. Love your artwork on the books/journals you’re providing — what a great idea. Planet Waves TV rocks and I love the diverse learning format(s). Thank you for your work! Peace.
— Anne Marie Spratt

*(full permission given)

Best of the best

Best of the best. Very deep and thought provoking material. He always hits a deep chord.
— Kristy Pokorny

And wow

And Wow, Eric, again….not going to repeat all that I said under the Virgo Sign. But what I am going to add here is yes I am in the process of finding my own niche and starting work on my own. This reading has given me a lot of insights.
Thank you.

— Hilary