Incredible Kindness and Generosity
I have had nothing but incredible kindness and generosity from you over the years.
— Liz Glanville
I have had nothing but incredible kindness and generosity from you over the years.
— Liz Glanville
Can I say that I think access to personal readings for something less than $1000 was a great part of your service when I first stumbled upon Planet Waves.
— Lesley Waters
As you can see, everything you said in this reading was completely and absolutely spot-on for me. I have followed other astrologers, had readings done and still keep one in particular as my personal astrologer, but no one, even her, as much as I love her has been able to better articulate the past, present and future possibilities as clearly as you have. I am astounded by your passion and talent. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it with me. It has been a tremendous help to me over these last few years of very difficult decisions and changes.
— Debra MacFarlane