Planet Waves

Tasty tidbit

Thank You so much for this tasty tidbit!

— RT


This was fascinating, thank you.
— Jean Puhlman

Leap of faith

Thank you, oh thank you! As Chiron is/will be scraping back & forth the dsc you may understand my curiosity. I won’t go into specifics, and I do consider myself a novice. I am sent on a quest of remembrance! My fear? Leap of faith from a nursing career to alternative health practice assisting others with their healing journey. Bless the Maker!
— Ave Guenther

An Honor To Be Part of Your Incredible Contribution To The Advancement of Mankind

Thank you for all your outstanding work year after year. Your dedication to your work is so appreciated.

You are a spiritual guide, a trusted advisor and an incredible resource of history as it unfolds in real time. Your warmth and sincere caring for humanity along with your keen observations, intelligence, orignal thinking, great sense of humor and sincerity shines through all the work that you do.

It is an honor to be a part of your incredible contribution to the advancement of mankind via my subscription.
– Kathleen S.

Key To Complete Understanding

I have Aquarius on my 2nd house and trying to understand it has always puzzled me. You just gave me the key to complete understanding of what it means in my life — I have Chiron and Mercury there. So the idea of thinking about it in terms of the influence of my family certainly resonates with what you explained here. And besides that I love listening to you speak. You are a word warrior with such a unique sense of humor. Thank you for being you.
— Samantha Hampton

Crucial for Me Lately; An Incredible Resource

Planet Waves has been crucial for me lately as I navigate this topsy turvy landscape; life is in transition on so many levels and it’s been an incredible resource in my life, especially now.
– Ronny K.

Helped Me Steer Through Some of the Roughest Days

Eric’s readings have helped me so much over the years, to overcome insecurities, difficulties and hard times. His readings have helped steer me through some of the roughest days and beyond. I have appreciated his calming, positive and practical counsel. I am amazed at his ability to do what he does.
— Mici B.

Such a Good Resource – Amazingly Tuned To Me

I love Eric’s approach to Spiritual Living and Astrology AND I love this organization. I continue to tell others about it because it’s such a good resource for improving in this physical life. The advice I get out of it is amazingly tuned to me.
— Kathleen Frances