Planet Waves

Were You Reading My Mind?

Please pardon my language….

Your reading was so fucking spot on. I woke up this morning and read it and thought… WTF – were you reading my mind for the past few months? Were you listening to the conversation I had last night?!

Anyway, thanks for the guidance.

Yours faithfully,
Kristen Williams

Some kind of blessing

Eric, today was quite the day. I’ve now read the above horoscopes for my Sun, rising and Moon. Amazing how this works — how you nail it. Also, your annual reading, The Art of Becoming, for Taurus, was akin to some kind of blessing — poetic, all the way through. Thanks for your work. One of a kind. Treasure.

— Dorothy Rodriguez

An uncanny knack and precious gift

You have an uncanny knack and precious gift to be able to zero in on what is real and current in our lives, Eric. Thank you for being you.

This Monday Morning horoscope reading for Libra is spot on….it hit my G-spot! And puts me at ease about the choices I made.

— Priya

Brilliant light of validation

Wow, from the tracing of my origins and genetic lineage, to the family issues to the work related issues, all of it is spot on. It is as if I have been laying the groundwork since last August for what is to come, and its coming! In more ways than one. Thank you for the brilliant light of validation you have shown on more than a few aspects of my life.

I highly recommend your readings to friends.

— Josie Beug

Concise, Positive, Enlightening and Easy to Understand

I loved the Pisces birthday reading — I found it very concise, positive, enlightening and easy to understand; I love that he does not just give “information,” like what planets are coming and going, but also what that means for my sign, and how to make the best use of that transit or placement. Like having the issues that might be a challenge, and he offers insight on how best to work it for my highest good. Always informative! Presented with humor, and sensitivity!
— Laura Garrity

A Beacon of Light Shining in the Darkness

Planet Waves has been my anchor for the past four turbulent years; through thick and thin they’ve been a beacon of light shining in the darkness. I simply cannot imagine how I would have made it through this leg of the journey without their help in honing my direction, finding skills, and learning to trust that inner voice which whispers softly, “Wait, wait, now!”
— Helen Best

Wise, Empowering, Positive and Enlightening

Love my Pisces reading; been getting them for several years. Wise, empowering, positive and enlightening. Can’t wait for the Tarot reading! I love the video readings best; audios are good, too — seems easier for me to take in the message better. Thank you Eric for making this valuable information accessible, affordable and understandable. It is a service to us all.
— Laura Garrity

Your Words Hit Me at My Core

Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with the world. I started reading your column, on and off, in the Chronogram about 10 years ago. I saw your offers to purchase readings but I always ignored them. In 2017, around the time before the great North American eclipse, I noticed how spot-on your readings really were. After a roller coaster Autumn, I came across a recent copy of the magazine, and read your column. Your words hit me at my core. I immediately pre-ordered Art of Becoming.

I am so happy to receive the guidance from these readings. The ability to view my life from this lens makes it so much easier for me to understand and accept certain views that are uncomfortable for those around me.
—  Kristin W.

Questions I Have Asked Myself Reworded By Your Explanations

Being a Leo with Aries rising truly portends “The Art of Becoming” in spades! Eric, this was a leviathan effort beautifully conceived and presented! Questions I have asked myself have been reworded by your explanations. I have more to ponder. Thank you
— Barbara Peaslee

Completely Blown Away

I purchased them for the first time and am completely blown away. This work is a tremendous gift, thank you.
— Kaeti Gugiu