Planet Waves

A guiding light along the way

Dearest Eric,
I just wanted to acknowledge how beautifully insightful your work always is and how moved I was reading your essays. Thank you so much for continuing to be such a guiding light along the way.
Much love and appreciation,

I am becoming who I seek to become

My dear Eric,
As always, the reading comes at exactly the right moment. The divine timing serves to remind me of how connected I am: my ‘work’ is a joyous extension of who I am; my deeply held spiritual beliefs are part of my every day life; I am strong and trusted.

I am grateful for the reminder of the connection between my microcosm and the larger macrocosm that reading your materials always provides. I am affirmed: I am in the right place; I am consciously healing and growing; I am making good choices and becoming who I seek to become. And this is the art of becoming. Blessings, Eric.
— Jennifer

I will put this in a very safe place

“What Chiron has taught you the past eight years is that you have an inner teacher, and that’s the most important one to trust, and to listen to. Your inner teacher will speak to you all day and all night, if you are listening. If you do, as A Course in Miracles says, ‘You will be told all you need to know.'”

This is something I have indeed learned over these years, but often need reminding of. And I so love the Course in Miracles quote.

I will put this in a very safe place, and reread it over the coming days, weeks, months.

And I needed this, too: “Your natural spirituality takes up residence in your daily activity far more easily than it does for most other people. This is one of the main distinctions between you and most others.”

This has been an extremely tough beginning of the year — it seems that I’m no longer being allowed to play out my life without really addressing what/who runs it from the shadows. You write about all this so brilliantly. Thank you for this stunning reading, dear Eric, for your extraordinary insights, wisdom and guidance. Much love xxxx

— Liz

Invest in yourself — you will not regret it!

If you have the funds, invest in yourself — you will not regret it!

I introduced my 82-year-old Mom to an Eric podcast and the mysterious workings of headphones, and she was an immediate fan. This Lady studied astrology back in the early days of the ’70s, when I was an itty-bitty, and still knows her shit!

— Caroline Lemmond

Uncanny; He was my lifeline

I’ve known Eric Francis and his work since 1997; we did a phone reading. He was my lifeline, which helped through 15 years of raising two boys solo, and still he’s still helping me through life/identity crisis, post children…his vision is uncanny — he seems to know Taureans better than we know ourselves.
—  Leo L.

His Work is Revolutionary

I am subscribing to BSP, not because I will even have the time to participate as I should, but because I want to support Eric and his comrades.

His work is revolutionary. He is a revolutionary. I go to his Facebook page whenever I want to read about the current events/news BEFORE I go to newspapers.

His dedication to truth and education is ever more important.

Onward and upward.  

— Susan Dollenmaier

Vital For My Healing and Development (And Sanity!)

From the daily/weekly/monthly horoscopes to access to the Intelligent Oracle and the Celtic Wings tarot spread and PW FM — to have all that available and more — it’s been absolutely vital for my healing and development (and sanity!) over the past three years. 

— Patricia Sanders

None can compare

Thank you Eric for all your help that you give us.

I have good news. I am finally able to pick up a student once again, and one of the teaching tools I will be using is your article in The Mountain Astrologer, re: the HOUSES. I have said it before and I will say it again:

Of all the astrology literature I have read over my 58 years working with astrology, and the untold number of books I have read, and lectures I have attended, NONE — and I mean NONE — can compare with the authenticity of your article on ‘THE HOUSES’. It is so right-on that after reading that article a person brand-new to astrology would have a firm foundation on which to build their reading skills of the astrological chart.

Bless you, Eric, for all you do for all of us, and for your special kindness to me.
— Ann Cortese, B.S., M.P.S.