Planet Waves

Thank you

I feel like I’m finally getting re-oriented after feeling scattered, so can now reflect upon the inter-eclipse period more clearly. Thank-you to Eric & the PW crew for guidance in this passage.

Best Astrologer

Eric you are epic the way you home in on the most important topics showing there is a individual plan amidst these crazy times. You really are the best Astrologer.

Compelling topic

A compelling topic, and was very moved by the openness of everyone on the call. Makes me want to have an ongoing eroticism class so we can ‘practice’ talking ‘tabu’ to one another and then be able to hold it in the outer circles. Another medicine much needed in our world. Thank you to everyone who shared their charts with us all.
— Sharon Adolph Simmons

Courage to examine

Thank you everyone for opening up and helping me realise that I’m not alone, particularly when it comes to not revealing much of who I really am to my sons; this is something I have never had the courage to really examine but think it is time to look honestly at myself.
–Fiona Elisabeth Robertson

Eye of the Storm

Grateful for the good work you all do; you are the eye of the storm, calm clear and stable within the chaos that surrounds you. Stay safe and centered on purpose. Thank you. Peacefully and quietly being the change we need to see. Bless
— Pauline Jones

Expansive and mind-blowing


Excellent that you got the gig at The Daily News. As a New Yorker (New York Times), I am very happy. My next-door neighbor, however, gets the News. I will clue him in. Oddly I knew the astrologer who briefly preceded you. No contest.

You are a deep and brilliant astrologer. I have been reading and listening to your work for about 10 years. I even ran into you, a couple of years ago, on 6th Ave near Town Hall. I was jumping into a cab.

I am a fiction writer (as well as other things) who just retired from teaching writing the novel and narrative structure at The City College of New York, where I directed the MFA Program. Before that I taught a long time at Sarah Lawrence, near your old haunt Purchase. I am a true teacher, same as you. Your writing — specific, generative and visionary — is such a pleasure as is your wisdom. I think you live in Kingston now? So does my breath, body, mind teacher, integrative psychiatrist Richard Brown. Also healer and spiritual teacher, John Carroll.

Now I am getting to the original reason for this email, which is to tell you that the Capricorn 2017 Birthday Reading was expansive and mind-blowing, and absolutely on the money in everything. You helped me immeasurably as I change and change and grow, and change some more. What a time! And then there’s Trump and Co. destroying everything we hold dear, and democracy too. (I won’t go on.)

Thank you so much. You are one of a kind.

Be well and keep flourishing,

Massive transformative times

Thank you Eric, very helpful to have your perspective. As a Piscean (with Scorpio rising and Moon in Cancer forming a grand trine — all very watery) I have certainly experienced massive transformative times and have been set on a journey with many unexpected twists and turns. It is so interesting how we ride waves which take us to places we do not know exist and this happens regardless and in spite of our desires, or ideas of where we need to end up. All good, even when I end up in a space that is hard.

Right now I feel that this time of settling into who and what I am is a lonely one and of necessity isolating, and at times very painful as old patterns are sloughed off like old dead skin. Relationships have changed so much and it has hurt at times and continues to be hard. The wonderful thing is that underneath all of that I feel really solid, grounded and able.

Last night I had a dream about oppression; I saw clearly the image of the Tarot Voyager card that came up for me the other day. It is all about letting go. Old patterns that oppress and keep us enslaved in a way I guess. Man, I don’t know what will happen. A ride for sure. I am about to turn 65 years old and still there is so much more to be done! Love and truly gratefully,

— Trudy Austin

(posted to Pisces BOYL reading)

Inside my most precious sanctuary

Eric, you are so right on! Your reading engenders within me feelings of you somehow being able to get inside my mind, inside my heart, and inside my most precious sanctuary…my soul! And yes, Saturn has been going thru my Sun sign, and along with it to make life real exciting, beautiful Neptune has been squaring my Sun. So to say the very least, it has been a time of uncertainty, inspiration, and reflection; where do I put my energy, my creativity, my soul and my spirit; and how do I accomplish what I want to do and need to do, and hope to do.

Your reading has given direction and meaning on how to proceed, to learn and move forward in these difficult, unsettling times and at the same time, inspiring me to tap into limitless creative gifts. Thank you, Eric; from my heart to your heart, I send you deep abiding gratitude for your penetrating insight and your deep caring concern, with which you carry out your mission for all of us!

— Ann Cortese, B.S., M.P.S.

(Comment made under Gemini reading)

Capture the deepening flavour of my life

Here you go Eric: I’m a Libra, and must say that your words for this week are simply spot on and seem to capture the deepening flavour of my life over the last month or so especially…’bold and brassy’ it’s been and sometimes to the level of even shocking me; to wake up to the mirror that life is holding out to me, asking me if THIS is also me! And, like you say, I do feel like I’m simply being drawn into the flow, this new flow, and all that comes up when I look into the mirror that asks me if this is me, is, ‘I don’t know’.

Yet, what I’ve been through and still going through, is exactly what you’ve managed to capture so concisely: to wake up to a ‘me’ that I’ve not seen before; a ‘me’ that does not wait for ‘evidence’ and ‘reason’ to act, but rather a ‘me’ who moves from a deep trust in what she feels is needed in the moment, even if it means roaring like a lioness who means business, when people around her have been used to her being a meek sheep. And I have simply no idea where all this is heading, or taking me. It’s scary and also fun! And something beyond me is guiding me gently and surely to simply enjoy the ride!

— Priya

A place I always knew existed but could never find

Hi Eric,

I’ve been following Planet Waves in a serious way for over a year now, after my friend shared your horoscopes with me via Chronogram in late 2015. I just finished listening to your latest Planet Waves FM episode and, particularly after the “Tantra Corner,” I felt compelled to write to you.

Your work has moved me. It has helped me to begin to understand what I have been through during this lifetime, and what I have come here to do. Planet Waves is like a place I always knew existed but could never find. Until now. I have wanted to write to you for some time but didn’t know what to say; tonight I just want to thank you, sincerely, for what you do, because it has changed my life.

At some point I would love to do a personal reading with you, but until then I’ll continue to follow the guiding light of Planet Waves! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Anna B.