Planet Waves

We need each other, and we need the truth…

“I think one of the reasons people stay silent, is they feel alone, desperate and weak; also dependent on the system and afraid to act or speak out. We need each other, and we need the truth and encouraging caring individuals to feel support. The numbers are growing, the media channels, the personal sharing, the court cases, the groups, the substack pages, the comments–slowly, the technocratic controlled silence of Pluto in Capricorn will see its end as Pluto finally enters Aquarius, Uranus enters Gemini (US Uranus return), and Saturn and Neptune move into Aries.. . . Sending Love, Support and Blessings You Way. . . . Thank You, again.”

— Hillary Han, Author of Astro Imundo Mews, Substack reader

Voice of reason…

“Thank you Eric for your tireless vigilance and for your voice of reason rooted in corroborated unassailable details across these decades of delusion and collective cognitive dissonance.”

— Andrew Carothers-Liske, Substack reader

Utterly enjoyable

“Thank you!! I’m truly amazed at how much you produce and how it is so utterly enjoyable!”

— Diana Feldman, Substack subscriber

Seems Written Specifically for Her

“Beautiful horoscopes, dear Eric. My Virgo sister’s seems written specially for her, and my Cancer horoscope is inspiring and lovely. Thank you.”

— L. Glanville, Core Community subscriber

Most Accurate I’ve Seen

“Horoscopes are the most accurate I’ve seen. I’ve been reading his for years.”

— H. McFadyen

Helped Me Deeply

“Hello Eric,

“I just want to express my deepest love and gratitude for your three Virgo series. They helped me deeply; restored some sanity and balance that I have been needing, and helped to calm my nervous system. Your words are genius when it comes to interpreting astrology, your voice is calming, and your music is perfect. Thank you dear one. May God continue to bless you.”

M. Galvan, Core Community subscriber, on the September 2023 weekly horoscopes


“One of the biggest chill-bump responses I’ve ever had from a Planet Waves weekly:

When I came to Aquarius (my moon), I gasped at ‘…maybe you’ve had the feeling of…glass embedded in your skin.’

That’s because that physically occurred to me 48 hours ago when I dropped a glass of water in my kitchen. Result? Three small glass cuts on shin, knee & hand. No biggie. Then, this morning, a sliver of glass worked itself out of the sole of my right foot. Again, no biggie.

Then I read my Aquarius forecast and, yowza! It matches my dreams of late, including one revealing that I no longer needed to bear guilt for a life-changing trauma 42 years ago.

I’m still covered in goosebumps, processing this physical AND spiritual revelation.”

— M. Miller, Core Community subscriber, on the September 14th weekly horoscopes

Deeply Affecting

“These September monthly horoscopes are deeply affecting. After reading mine, I sat for a while in silence and a kind of peaceful clarity. Thank you, Eric.”

— C. B. George, Core Community subscriber

Just Hearing You Speak

"Just hearing you speak helps me. Doesn't matter what sign you are speaking of. Thank you for what you do!" 

— Sylvia