Planet Waves

The Swiss Army Knife of Astrology (long)

Youall (one word; I’m southern) are the Swiss Army Knife of astrology. If a blade doesn’t work or isn’t what’s required, maybe the corkscrew or the screwdriver will do the trick. Something will be useful, perhaps in unexpected ways, and one feels secure, just knowing the tool is in your pocket or your purse or your glove compartment. I find your horoscopes and articles equally useful and practical, but also vastly informative, always thought-provoking, and frequently delightful. It’s nice to have a knife, and a bottle of water, and maps, paper and GPS ones, and good companions, among them far-seers who recognize patterns and can navigate by the stars as we all travel the rough roads of this perilous and fated time. Your content is a rest and a refuge and a restorative, and I am grateful for it.

Thank you all (separate words this time, for each and every one of you individually, as opposed to the marvelous team/unit/family above),
Namaste, y’all,

Sara Mc

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